Sunday, April 1, 2018

tips for traveling with children

Everyone knows that children can be a handful. Traveling with children requires a lot of planning to assure that your next trip doesn't become your next nightmare.  
When traveling with children the following tips can be helpfull.
1.Brand your child
As funny as this may seem, this tip has helped a lot of parents. Children can easily become interested in the environment around them and can start wandering off. You can minimize the risk of losing your child by writing down your number on your child’s arm or by making them a necklace or bracelet.

2. always carry snacks with you
There are only a few things in life as dangerous as a hungry child. To make sure you have a happy child while traveling and not someone who’s constantly screaming and moaning, feed them with snacks until it’s time for a meal. Snacks are very important BUT try to avoid sweets. This will save you the troubles of dealing with a child who has a sugar rush.
Snacks to consider:
·    Fruits: Apples, oranges etc.
·    Dried fruits
·    Nuts(make sure they’re not allergic)
·    Rice cakes
·    Bars(fruit/nut bars, cereal bars)
·    Sandwiches
·    Sausages
·    boiled eggs

3. Activities to keep them busy
Always make sure you have enough toys for your child. Give them a toy once an hour to ensure that they don’t get bored. This tip is ideal for short and long trips
Toys to consider
·    IPad, tablets etc.
·    Headphones (preferably one for each child boys and girls)
·    Balls (soccer, rugby, tennis, football)
Checkout this awesome special: Set of 4 Sports Balls with 1 Pump
·    Bingo for kids

4. Take regular toilet stops.
Never trust the words “I don’t have to go”.
Make sure that your child goes to the 
bathroom, even if they say that they don’t 
have to, because 5 minutes later they’ll have 
to. Fluids are important, but don’t give them     
too much or they’ll need to go to the bathroom 
every few minutes. Always kee an extra toilet 
paper roll in your car

5. Pack your child’s rucksack.
Your child should have an input, in what must be packed in their rucksack, but you must make sure that they don’t pack it to heavy with unnecessary things.

6. Wet wipes
Don’t forget your wet wipes, unless you want that sticky hands against your windows and seats.

7.Don’t forget the First Aid Kit.
Children easily get sick or hurt so make sure to pack some 
  •             plasters
  •             antiseptic cream and wipes
  •        painkillers
  •        Tweezers
  •        Scissors
  •        Cough medicine
  •        sterile gloves
8. Encourage them to keep a journal.
The best ways to build memories is by traveling. By encouraging your child to keep a travel journal, you’re giving him/her the opportunity to build memories. It can encourage them to do more things.

9. Keep them comfortable
An uncomfortable child equals an unhappy child. Make sure that your child is dressed up in soft clothes like pajamas. A pillow can also help to make them more comfortable.

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